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GYLA evaluates the first stage of public discussions about the constitutional amendments

On May 15, 2017, the first stage of public discussions about the constitutional amendments was concluded. At this stage, 10 public discussions have been held [1] while public discussions planned to be held in Tbilisi were disrupted.[2]

2017-05-18 17:27 See more

NGOs address regarding possible reduction of the number of self-governing units

In parallel with turbulent countrywide public review of the recently elaborated constitutional amendments where besides other issues citizens claim from the authorities the right of self-government for their cities and villages, the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure without any consultations with representatives of civil sector, prepared an initiative concerning abolishment of 14 municipalities (including 7 self-governing cities) that actually means restoration of the former regional territorial arrangement common to Soviet times. This initiative was presented to the municipalities as to be “agreed upon”.

2017-05-18 12:09 See more

The Coalition Negatively Assesses the Ongoing Processes in the Judiciary

On May 11, 2017, the High Council of Justice (HCOJ) appointed 64 judges. Of them, five judges (former judges of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts) were appointed for life, without a probation period. Unfortunately, some of the candidates participating in the selection closed their interviews to public. Among them was Mikheil Chinchaladze, towards whom public interest was especially high. Hence, it is unknown to the Coalition how the interview process went, however the Coalition plans to request and review the assessments of HCOJ members.

2017-05-16 12:17 See more

Lack of correct qualification of the alleged crime investigated in Lasha Tordia’s case will hinder comprehensive and unbiased investigation

GYLA reacts once more to the lack of correct qualification of the alleged crime investigated in Lasha Tordia’s case. The investigation in connection to the alleged crime committed against the General Auditor of Georgia, Lasha Tordia has been launched under para.1 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code of Georgia – battery or other type of violence, while media has reported that the official has been attached in connection to his official activities (Article 3531 of the Criminal Code of Georgia).

2017-05-15 19:26 See more

Appeal of EaP CSF GNP to the Venice Commission

Appeal of EaP CSF GNP to the Venice Commission

2017-05-13 16:29 See more

The Georgian Government admits before the European Court of Human Rights the violation of human Rights against the Participants of the Veterans’ Rally of January 3, 2011

On July 3, 2011, the Georgian Young Lawyers' Association (GYLA) and the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC) lodged a joint application to the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of the participants of the protest rally. On 4 May 2017, the European Court of Justice delivered a judgment [1].

2017-05-08 17:29 See more

Address of the Member Organizations of the Georgian National Platform of Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum to the Parliament of Georgia

Constitutional Commission has completed its work on the revision of the Constitution of Georgia and has presented a new draft Constitution of Georgia. Wide-ranging public hearings are planned, in addition to debates in the Parliament before the voting takes place. The Commission offered us a new electoral system, according to which the parliamentary mandates will be distributed only to those political parties, that manage to get at least 5% of votes. At the same time, if the quantitative sum of mandates received by political parties is less than 150, undistributed mandates go to the political party, which has amassed the most votes in the elections. 

2017-05-06 13:04 See more


The HCOJ is reviewing the issue of lifetime appointment of Judges Levan Murusidze and Maia Sulkhanishvili before the expiry of their three-year probationary period and without any evaluation.  

2017-05-05 12:49 See more

GYLA submits the opinion to the Parliament concerning the draft law on property expropriation

The draft Law of Georgia on the Procedure for the Expropriation of Property for Pressing Social Needs has been submitted to the Parliament of Georgia the purpose of which is to improve the regulations of expropriation.

2017-05-04 18:44 See more

The court recognized Irakli Khoperia as a victim

Pursuant to the court judgment of May 2, 2017, Irakli Khoperia, who was refused to be considered as victim by the Prosecutor's Office, was recognized as a victim by the Tbilisi City Court and considered that there were sufficient grounds for the Prosecutor’s Office to issue a resolution on the recognition of Irakli Khoperia as victim.

2017-05-03 12:44 See more