Supporting Utilization of Electronic Technologies in Elections in Georgia

Project name: Supporting Utilization of Electronic Technologies in Elections in Georgia

Project duration: 04.2023 – 06.2024

Budget: 265 000 NOK

Donor organisation: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Project goal: The project aims to support the utilization of electronic technologies in Georgia's electoral processes and enhance societal awareness. Additionally, it involves formulating and championing suggestions for enhancing legislation and practices related to the utilization of electronic technologies in elections.


ჯ. კახიძის #15, თბილისი, საქართველო, 0102 ; ტელ: (995 32) 95 23 53; ფაქსი: (995 32) 92 32 11; ელ-ფოსტა:;
15, J. Kakhidze str. 0102, Tbilisi, Georgia. Tel: (995 32) 95 23 53; Fax: (995 32) 92 32 11; E-mail:;