GYLA Magazine #1, 2018 "GYLA for Women's Rights"

GYLA Magazine #1 (March, 2018) "GYLA for Women's Rights" includes the issues of women's rights in Georgia. Especially:

-  Women's political participation in Georgia;

- How is protected the rights of women victims of violence in Georgia?

- First case of Femicide brought to the UN from Georgia;

- Especially Vulnerable Groups.


Please find attached below the full version of the GYLA Magazine #1 (March 2018).

ჯ. კახიძის #15, თბილისი, საქართველო, 0102 ; ტელ: (995 32) 95 23 53; ფაქსი: (995 32) 92 32 11; ელ-ფოსტა:;
15, J. Kakhidze str. 0102, Tbilisi, Georgia. Tel: (995 32) 95 23 53; Fax: (995 32) 92 32 11; E-mail:;