GYLA Responds Again to the Protest of the Residents of the Village of Shukhuti

Yesterday, September 11, 2024, a demonstration began in front of the Georgian Parliament by the local residents of the village of Shukhuti in the Chiatkura Municipality and their supporters. They have been protesting for over six months about the damage caused to their living environment and property due to the activities of the company "Georgian Manganese."

On April 11, 2024, GYLA made a statement and called for:

- The authorities to take an interest in the ongoing protest in Shukhuti and to address the alleged violations of the residents' property rights and their right to live in a safe environment.

Despite this, the state has not yet acknowledged the crisis situation that poses a threat to people's lives and health. It has not taken measures to address the social and ecological disaster faced by the local population.

- According to publicly available sources (“Mautskebeli”), the participants of yesterday’s demonstration were not allowed to set up mattresses for the night, despite Georgian legislation and case-law granting them this right, including the right to set up tents as protected by the freedom of assembly.

- We call on the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure that the rights of the protesters are not disproportionately restricted in accordance with international and constitutional standards of freedom of assembly.

GYLA will actively monitor the Shukhuti protest and the investigation and judicial proceedings related to the participants in the protest.

ჯ. კახიძის #15, თბილისი, საქართველო, 0102 ; ტელ: (995 32) 95 23 53; ფაქსი: (995 32) 92 32 11; ელ-ფოსტა:;
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